In response to my experiences in the 30 day challenge, I needed the extra motivation and involvement with my plein air group and other artist. To be included in the challenge was an honor as I am one of those artists who lacks confidence. I always think that the painting should be better...how do I improve? Should I go back to drawing, values, colors or just paint and explore. I failed to reply to those individuals that commented on my work. I tried the first time but not be computer savvy when it rejected my comments and wouldn't let me sign in...I failed to explore how, for which I apologize. I do appreciate their comments of encouragement that maybe I am starting to do a few things right. I enjoyed the challenge and feel that I learned along the way, but couldn't keep that pace. I am exhausted and must catch up on my responsibilities. I especially want to thank Leslie Saeta for allowing all the artists to join in with her in the challenge, my artist friend for posting my painting and all of those who commented on my watercolors. It was interesting to see the wide variety of paintings and styles.
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