Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 22 - "My Neighborhood - Harrison Place" By Jennifer Thompson

Day 22 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge by Leslie Saeta.Value Study XXII; "My Neighborhood - Harrison Place". The cold and relentless ice fog makes it hard to get inspired by anything local. On the other hand, that goofy color I am using is actually pretty close to what is out my window. Thought I would up the challenge and force myself to paint local even in ugly January.
We are in the home stretch now!
Value Study XXII; "My Neighborhood - Harrison Place" By Jennifer Thompson Watercolor On Paper


  1. There is a quiet beauty in this painting. We are all really stretching in this challenge. It's a great thing!

  2. Thanks Helen! This is a subject I would like to explore with some color studies after my month of value studies is over.
