Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 26 Value Study XXVI "My Neighborhood - Wright's Barn" By Jennifer Thompson

 Day 26 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge by Leslie Saeta. Value Study XXVI "My Neighborhood - Wright's Barn" Last barn in my neighborhood! Promise! This painting started out a total flop. It was so bad I took it to the kitchen sink an held it under the faucet, letting water swoosh it away. But I forgot that the pigment was staining so it wouldn't all go away. I made a half-hearted attempt to scrub with a towel then gave up and figured I would use the backside when it dried.
Awhile later, while working on another study, I happen to glance at the flop and noticed that the place I scrubbed looked just like the willows look when every single twig is coated in ice crystals and the atmosphere shrouded in ice fog! I might be able to save that, I thought. The paper was still damp from it's soaking in the sink so I just added a bit at the top of the tree to define it slightly, added a trunk and a couple of limbs, a few details on the barn and a suggestion of a fence. Voila! Wright's Barn!
May all our "flops" be so easily rescued!
Value Study XXVI "My Neighborhood - Wright's Barn" By Jennifer Thompson Watercolor On Paper